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Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  Can I request practices/games on certain days?
A:  Unfortunately, due to the number of teams we have and the amount of fields we can use we are not able to guarantee your team will meet on certain days.

Q:  What is the schedule like?
A:   Typically, there are 2 games/practices a week. One will be on Saturday and the other is typically Mon.-Thurs. Once games start there are typically no more practices unless your team’s manager schedules them. Fridays are usually reserved for rained out games.

Q:  What type of equipment will my child need?
A:  Must haves:
Non-metal Cleats
Cup (athletic supporter - Boys only)
                Batting helmet
Things you probably want to get but could share if needed:
 Bat - Best to get one that matches player size and weight. For tee-ball players look for a tee ball specific bat around 17 inches long.
·         This needs to be a Little League approved bat. For more information on what is Little League approved please check out

NOTE: York County Little League does not provide any of these so borrowing would be based on whether of the other teammates will share.

Q:  What happens after my child is signed up?
A:   After registration has closed you will receive an email from YCLL.  Please make sure you have verified that the emails are not going in your spam folder.
·         For Minors Divisions and Higher:  These age groups will require that the child attend a player evaluation. Parents should receive an email in early February with details on when and where these will be held.  All players are required to attend one session.  All players are placed on a team! This is not a “tryout” where players are cut.
·         If your child is in Tee ball, Rookie League or Coach Pitch Softball: Parents will receive an email from the coach and the website gives you team roster and schedule.  This will be received near the end of February.

Q:  What is included in my uniform for the spring season?
A:  YCLL will provide a jersey, belt and hat for all players.  Managers will provide information to parents on the color socks and baseball pants they would like teams to purchase.

Q:  What do registration costs cover?
A:   Costs cover the required fees that the league pays to Little League International, Equipment (bases, baseballs, first aid kits, umpire gear, catchers gear, field rakes, field drags, chalk, score board controls, and so much more), and uniforms Baseball (Hat, Jersey, Belt)  Softball (Headband, Jersey, Belt)  

Q:  Why did registration fees increase from last year?
A:  Due to an increase in costs for all of the items listed above, we were forced to increase our fees.  Please remember we are a non-profit organization run by 100% volunteers.  We are doing everything we can to keep costs down.

Q:  When are sign ups?                
A:   For Fall Ball, signups begin in July and will end in late Aug.
For Spring Ball, signups begin early December and end at the end of January.  However, keep in mind that early bird discounts will end in early January.  Also, as it gets closer to the end of registrations some of the divisions will fill up. Based on the number of fields, number of volunteers, and how many kids we can place on a team we have to limit some groups. It is suggested that you sign your child up early.

Q:  Aren’t there paid coaches, umpires, board members, etc.?
A:   NO. No one involved in YCLL is paid. Everyone is volunteers. Please remember that as there are problems or things you think could be better. We have less than 15 board members managing a league of more than 700 kids. You may want to consider volunteering before you complain.

Q:   How can I get involved?
A:   Sign up to volunteer when you register your child. Also, each Aug/Sept YCLL holds its annual board meeting. Come to this meeting and volunteer to hold a board position.

Q:   Are there positions on the board for people that don’t know all the rules of baseball/softball?
A:    ABSOLUTELY.  You could be treasurer, webmaster, sponsorship chair, secretary. The biggest thing we need is hands to help. The board are the people who handle all the events. In a typical spring season that means, we are at 6 tryouts (3 regular and 3 make up days), at least 10 division drafts, we run all of picture days, tournaments, walk in registrations, we answer all the phone calls, emails, etc. There is opportunity to help if you can. Even if you can’t be on the board but can volunteer only one of two events, let a board member know. As stated, we can always use more hands.

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